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Monday, July 18, 2011

Quilled on Frames

They are two lovely sisters requested me to decorate two photo frames for them. They requested to have same design with black+white and black+purple butterfly. I tried my best to make it simmetrical..guess i need to practise more on this..hm... and the other frame is for their nephews.. :)


  1. salam, can I know what kind of material did you used in making thos quilling butterflies? Are those papers?

  2. waalaikumsalam,cahayalembut.. :)
    ya...everything made from paper... :)


Thank you for the sweet comments.I really appreciate it! Have a good day :)

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Fayyza Ideas dilesen dibawah Lesen Pengiktirafan-BukanKomersial-TiadaTerbitan 2.5 Malaysia Creative Commons. Sebarang peniruan atau pengeluaran semula adalah dilarang sama sekali dan perlu mendapat kebenaran daripada artis dan pemilik blog.
